Browsing by Author Brovko O.

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A Study of the Influence of Environmental Factors on the Economic Behavior of the EnterpriseRayevnyeva O.; Brovko O.; Su Zhui
2022Approaches to the revitalization of degraded industrial zones in cities of UkraineHorbliuk S.; Brovko O.; Kudyn S.
2023Computer-mathematical support for analysis of stability of the interrelation between macroeconomic financial indicators and migrationRayevnyeva O.; Stryzhychenko K.; Brovko O.
2024Local government resilience in the face of Russian aggression: the case of UkraineBrovko O.
2023Opportunities and challenges of digitalization of the educational process in the 21st century: the experience of UkraineRayevnyeva O.; Brovko O.
2023Simulation of the economic behavior of the country's economyRayevnyeva O.; Brovko O.
2020Simulation of the impact of economic development on social development of the countryRayevnyeva O.; Aksonova I.; Brovko O.; Filip Stanislav
2020The current problems of youth employment in the labor market of UkraineBrovko O.
2022The Impact of a Sensitivity of Economic Activities on the Economic Behaviour of EnterpriseRayevnyeva O.; Filip S.; Aksonova I.; Brovko O.; Rui S.
2022The impact of sensitivity of economic activities on the economic behaviour of enterpriseRayevnyeva O.; Filip S.; Aksonova I.; Brovko O.; Rui Su
2023The transformation of the country's higher education system under the influence of migration processesRayevnyeva O.; Ponomarenko V.; Matúšová S.; Brovko O.; Filipová L.
2023The use of digital technologies in the educational processRayevnyeva O.; Brovko O.; Zhylin S.