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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Advertising in restaurant businessPugachova M. M.; Stryzhak O.
2023Analysis of Labor Market Transformation in the Context of Industry 4.0.Stryzhak O.
2019Assessment of the relationship between the tourism sector development and other sectors of economyStryzhak O.
2019Assessment of the relationship between the tourism sector development and other sectors of economyStryzhak O.
2024Brand Strategy Managing of Mining EnterprisesMalyarets L.; Dorokhov O.; Stryzhak O.; Tymoshenko K.; Martynova O.; Dorokhova L.
2022Digital technologies in the tourism servicesDekhtyar N.; Stryzhak O.
2022Geopolitical risks, GDP and tourism: an ARDL-ECM cointegration study on UkraineStryzhak O.; Sayar R.; Ari Y. O.
2021Guidelines for writing a thesis for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 242 "Tourism"Sushchenko O.; Stryzhak O.; Naumik-Gladka K.
2019Institutional System of Human Development and Institutional Environment: Relationship FeaturesStryzhak O.
2021Jeopolitik riskler, turizm ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Ukrayna örneğiSayar R.; Stryzhak O.; Ari Y. O.
2021National Brand, Tourism and Human Development: Analysis of the Relationship and DistributionStryzhak O.; Akhmedova O.; Postupna O.; Shchepanskiy E.; Tiurina D.
2023Personnel Management at a Tourism Enterprise. Guidelines to practical studies for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 242 "Tourism"Stryzhak O.
2022Relationship between the level of human development and institutional qualityStryzhak O.; Tupa M.; Rodzik J.
2023Restaurant brand management in wartimeStryzhak O.; Pohuda N.
2023Restaurant brand management in wartimeStryzhak O.; Pohuda N.
2024Socio-economic development of tourist destinations: a cross-country analysisStryzhak O.; Ľuboš Cibák; Sidak M.; Yermachenko V.
2020The application of Moodle platform functions to develop foreign language lexical competencyStryzhak O.; Krapivnyk G.
2021The connection between economic freedom, education, and happinessStryzhak O.
2024The role of governance in ensuring economic growth and reducing emissions: A case study of BulgariaStoyanova-Asenova S.; Sushchenko O.; Stryzhak O.; Asenov A.
2023The role of human capital for economic development in a digitalized worldStryzhak O.