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Результаты 1812 по 1831 из 25367 < назад   дальше >
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Lunar outpost for meeting aliensKaydash V.; Yulegina I.
2021L’Ukraine dans les processus d’intégration globaleZhovtobriukh D.
2021L’Ukraine et le commerce international pendant l’intégration de l’Ukraine à l’UETymchenko D.
2020L’utilisation des technologies informatiques au cours de l’enseignement des langues étrangèresKobrynets O. S.; Skorina І.
2020Machine learning methods and models, predictive analytics and applicationsGuryanova L. S.; Yatsenko R.; Dubrovina N. A.; Babenko V. O.
2023Macro -and Microeconomics: program of the course for students of specialty 292 «International Economic Relations» educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor’s) levelStepanenko N.; Cherkashyna T.; Sobolev V.
2023Macro and Microeconomics: program of the course for students of specialty 073 "Management" study program "Logistics" of the first (bachelor’s) levelCherkashyna T. S.
2023Macro and Microeconomics: program of the course for students of specialty 073 “Management” of the study programme “Business Administration” of the first (bachelor’s) levelCherkashyna T. S.
2023Macro- and Microeconomics. Guidelines to practical tasks for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 "Management" of the educational program "Business Administration"Cherkashyna T.
2018Macro- and Microeconomics : syllabus for Bachelor's (first) degree students of specialities 291 "International Relations, Public Communi-cations and Regional Studios" and 292 "International Economic Rela¬tions"Stepanenko N. O.; Stepanenko V. O.
2019Macro- and Microeconomics: syllabus of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) levelStepanenko N. O.; Cherkashyna T. S.; Mordovets A. V.
2020Macroeconomic determinants of ensuring financial stability of the banking system of UkrainePohorelenko N.; Strokovych H. V.
2020Macroeconomic factors that influence the bank loans rate in international and Ukrainian practiceIvakhnenkov S.; Hlushchenko S.; Sverenko K.
2020MacroeconomicsBril M. S.; Klimenko O. M.; Lisna I. F.; Lytvynenko A. V.; Mashchenko M. A.; Mordovets A. V.; Pyvavar I. V.; Ponomarenko O.; Stepanenko N. O.; Cherkashyna T. S.; Shyfrina N. I.
2021Macroeconomics. Guidelines for self-study of Bachelor's (first) degree students of all specialitiesCherkashyna T. S.
2020Main aspects of employee separation and retentionSotnikova Yu. V.; Stepanova E. R.
2023Main aspects of labour safety during mineral fertilizer workMykhailova E. О.; Moroz M. O.
2017The main causes of crisis in the modern economic conditionsMyronova O. M.; Миронова О. М.; Миронова О. Н.
2015The Main Components of the External Environment that Have Been Taken into Consideration in Developing the Model of Poland 2050Gordiienko L. Y.; Wackowski K. S.