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2018The competitiveness of entrepreneurship in industry: the Ukrainian experienceSalun M. M.; Zaslavska K. A.; Palyanichka E. M.; Салун М. М.; Заславська К. А.; Паляничка Є. М.; Салун М. Н.; Заславская Е. А.; Паляничка Е. Н.
2018Сімейна економіка як базис становлення сімейного бізнесу в УкраїніПасько М. І.; Пасько М. И.; Pasko M. I.
2020The prerequisites for entrepreneurial universities formation in UkraineSalun M. M.; Lutskyi A. I.; Lutskyi M. I.; Zvarych R. V.; Zaslavska K.; Tsukan O.
2023Organization of innovative and logistics enterprise: work program of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of all educational programs of the first (bachelor) levelMazhnyk L. O.
2023Entrepreneurship in the online environment: a working program of an educational discipline for students of all specialties of all educational programs of the first (bachelor) levelMazhnyk L. O.
2023Creative management of entrepreneurial activities: the working program of the educational course for students of higher education of all specialties of the first (bachelor) levelTomakh V. V.; Lytovchenko I. V.
2023Creative management: program of the course for students of higher education of specialty 073 "Management" Study programme "Logistics" of the first (bachelor's) levelTomakh V. V.