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dc.contributor.authorChernova N. L.-
dc.contributor.authorFilip S.-
dc.identifier.citationChernova N. Forecasting the stage of the stock market / N. Chernova, S. Filip // Инструментальные средства моделирования систем в информационной экономике / Под ред. докт. экон. наук, проф. В.С. Пономаренко, докт. экон. наук, проф. Т.С. Клебановой. – Х., ВШЭМ – ХНЭУ им. С. Кузнеца, 2019.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of the research is to construct a set of models that describe the changes in the state of the stock market according to the price movements of financial instruments. The models take in to account three core market types – bear market, flat market and bull market. Due to the fact that analyzed stocks are traded on the same market, the stage of the market is determined as weighted sum of the results obtained for individual models.ru_RU
dc.subjectstock marketru_RU
dc.subjectfinancial instrumentru_RU
dc.subjecttransition probabilitiesru_RU
dc.subjectstandard deviationru_RU
dc.titleForecasting the stage of the stock marketru_RU
dc.typeBook chapterru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Монографії (ЕКСА)

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