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Результаты 1-10 из 13.
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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Англійська мова професійної комунікації та ділової кореспонденції в міжнародному бізнесі: тексти та завдання до самостійної роботи студентів усіх спеціальностей першого (бакалаврського) рівняЛютвієва Я. П.; Черниш Л. М.; Lyutviyeva Y. P.; Chernysh L. M.
2017Іноземна мова : тести та завдання для студентів усіх спеціальностей першого (бакалаврського) рівняСальтевська М. Ю.; Іваніга О. В.; Saltevska M. Y.; Ivaniga O. V.
2023Foreign Language: course program is designed for PhD candidates of specialty 051 «Economics», of the study programme «Economics», of the third (educational and scientific) levelPetrenko V.; Pohorielova T.
2024Foreign language (for the professional purposes): program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 "Software Engineering" of the study program "Software Engineering" of the first (bachelor) levelMaksymova I. O.
2024Foreign language for academic and professional communication: programme program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 «Software Engineering» of the study program «Software Engineering» of the first (bachelor) levelPohorielova T. Y.; Polezhaeva O. V.
2023Foreign Language: course program is designed for PhD candidates of specialty 292 «International Economic Relations» of the study programme «International Economic Relations» of the third (educational and scientific) levelPetrenko V.; Pohorielova T.
2023Pedagogy of higher education: work program of the academic discipline for students of the speciality 011 "Educational, pedagogical sciences" of the educational program "Pedagogy and education administration" of the second (master's) levelBorova T.; Pohorielova T.
2023English (for specific purposes) : programme of the course for students of specialty 073 «Management», study programme «Logistics», first (bachelor) levelReshetniak І. О.
2023Business communication in a foreign language: program of the course for students of higher education of all specialties of the first (bachelor) study cycleProsianyk S.
2023Foreign language (for the professional purposes): program of the course for higher education students of specialty 073 "Management" of the study programme "Business Administration" of the first (bachelor's) levelDidenko Zh. I.; Nikishyna A. V.