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2021Higher and Applied Mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for students of the first (bachelor's) level, specialty 242 «Tourism», academic program «Tourism»Lebedev S. S.
2019Вища та прикладна математика: методичні рекомендації до практичних завдань з розділу "Вища математика" для студентів спеціальності 242 "Туризм" першого (бакалаврського) рівняЖелезнякова Е. Ю.; Сілічова Т. В.; Железнякова Е. Ю.; Силичова Т. В.; Zhelezniakova E.; Silichova T. V.
2021Higher Mathematics in International Business: syllabus of the academic discipline for students specialty 292 «International Economic Relations» first (bachelor) level academic program «International business»Lebedev S. S
2021Higher Mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for students of the first (bachelor's) level, specialty 075 «Marketing», academic program «Marketing»Lebedeva I. L.
2022Quantitative methods of international relations analysis : syllabus for Bachelor's (first) degree students, branch of knowledge 29 International Relations, specialty 291 International relations, public communications and regional studies, discipline status compulsoryLebedeva I. L.
2022Higher Mathematics in International Business : syllabus for Bachelor's (first) degree students, branch of knowledge 29 International Relations, specialty 292 International Economic Relations, academic program International business, discipline status compulsoryLebedeva I. L.