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Title: Statistics
Authors: Rayevnyeva O. V.
Aksonova I. V.
Brovko O. I.
Derykhovska V. I.
Svydlo H. I.
Sierova I. A.
Shlykova V. O.
Keywords: information
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: S. Kuznets KhNUE
Citation: Rayevnyeva O. Statistics [Electronic resource] : textbook / O. Rayevnyeva, I. Aksonova, O. Brovko [et al.]; Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics. - E-text data (3,53 MБ). - Kharkiv : S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2020. - 376 p. : il. - The title screen. - Referenc.: p. 356-362.
Abstract: Practice-oriented educational material is presented which aims to deepen students' special knowledge of statistics and helps improve the quality of acquisition of professional competences. The material is given in the form of interrelation of the components of the triune system: applied theoretical knowledge of statistics, economic and mathematical methods of statistical information processing and information support for processing and analysis of data, which meets the modern requirements of training of competent specialists in the sectors of national economy. For students of all specialities, graduate students, lecturers, economists, analysts who are engaged in applied statistical research.
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