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dc.contributor.authorShumeiko V.-
dc.contributor.authorShabanova H.-
dc.contributor.authorLogvinkov S.-
dc.contributor.authorKorohodska A.-
dc.contributor.authorPitak Y.-
dc.identifier.citationShumeiko V. Electrokinetic and Microstructural Peculiarities of the Portland Cement Hydration with Microadditives / V. Shumeiko, H. Shabanova, S. Logvinkov and other // Сe/papers. – 2023. – Vol. 6. - No. 6. – Р. 101–105.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe results of given studies included a comparison of changes in temperature, redox potential, OH-ions concentration and pH values in the Portland cement-water-additive system depending on the hydration time and features of hydration processes in the microstructure of the cement stone. The studied additives were selected taking into account the prospects for their use in the complex modifiers compositions for cement-containing building materials. The results of electrokinetic measurements are presented and regularities and features of the influence of each studied additives on the processes of hydration structure and phase formation in Portland cement paste in the early stages of hardening are determined. The microstructure and fracture surfaces of cement stone samples formed during cement paste hardening with the optimal content of additives and features of hydration processes of cement stone were studied. The features of the mutual arrangement of individual phases in crystalline hydrate aggregates of cement stone, as well as the nature of the porosity of its microstructure, were investigated.ru_RU
dc.subjectportland cementru_RU
dc.subjectcement stoneru_RU
dc.subjectwater-additive systemru_RU
dc.subjecthydration processru_RU
dc.subjectredox potentialru_RU
dc.subjectOH-ions concentrationru_RU
dc.subjectpH valueru_RU
dc.titleElectrokinetic and Microstructural Peculiarities of the Portland Cement Hydration with Microadditivesru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ГРБКТ)

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