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dc.contributor.authorPohorielova T.-
dc.identifier.citationAdvanced Study of Professional Foreign Language: program of the course for students of higher education of all specialities and all study programs of the first (bachelor) study cycle: [Electronic resource] / developer: T. Pohorielova – Kharkiv: S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2023. – 9 p. (Eng.).ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe purpose and connection of the discipline with other sciences are determined. Competences mastered by students of higher education in the process of studying the discipline are given. The course content of the discipline and the procedure and criteria for evaluating the knowledge of higher education students are presented. Recommended for students of higher education of all specialities and all educational programs of the first (bachelor) study cycle.ru_RU
dc.subjectforeign languageru_RU
dc.subjectcommunicative competenceru_RU
dc.subjectteaching methodsru_RU
dc.subjectforms and assessment methodsru_RU
dc.titleAdvanced Study of Professional Foreign Language: program of the course for students of higher education of all specialities and all study programs of the first (bachelor) study cycle:ru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Методичні матеріали (ПІФП)

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