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dc.contributor.authorVnukova N.-
dc.contributor.authorMakovoz O.-
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko R.-
dc.identifier.citationVnukova N. Scaling of the infrastructure of service organizations of geophysical services / N. Vnukova, O. Makovoz, R. Shevchenko // Proceedings of London International Conferences. – 2024. - 11. – Р. 9–15.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study is to analyses the features and scalability of the infrastructure of geophysical service organizations. The implementation of optimal strategic management through a model for any large petroleum geophysics enterprise aimed at economic growth and national interests is proposed. An approach to semantic coordination and modernization of geographic services is proposed, where service providers share explicit knowledge of the interactions in which their services participate, and these interaction patterns are used operationally to discover and integrate geoweb services. During the research, cluster analysis was used to conduct a comparative analysis of the selected companies, the quality of possible methods of distribution of the selected population and using criteria. The volume of service geophysical services depends onthe rate of increase in hydrocarbon production, which is directly related to the state’s strategy. Analysis of the competitive environment for the State-owned Enterprise Ukrgaspromgeofizika requires an assessment of the factors affecting the organization’s activities in the field of geophysical services for the gas industry. The volume of service geophysical services depends on the rate of increase in hydrocarbon production, which is directly related to the strategy of the state.ru_RU
dc.subjectservice organizationsru_RU
dc.subjectgeophysical servicesru_RU
dc.titleScaling of the infrastructure of service organizations of geophysical servicesru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (МСіФП)

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