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dc.contributor.authorPonomarenko V.-
dc.contributor.authorIastremska O.-
dc.identifier.citationPonomarenko V. Determining the impact of Vuca-world and Bani-world on the activities of enterprises in the experience economy / V. Ponomarenko, O. Iastremska // Decision support systems in project and program management, [Text]: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde. - European University Press. Riga: ISMA, 2024. - P. 212 - 253.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of the research is determined by the need to determine the basic models of functioning of the internal and external environment of enterprises both separately and in their interconnection and taking into account mutual influence. Since it is a recognized fact that the modern external environment is constantly transforming, becoming more complex and moving from one state to another, more complex, its main manifestations are VUCA-world and BANI-world, which is also typical for the Ukrainian economy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to publish the developed methodology for determining the impact of VUCA-world and BANI-world on the activities of enterprises in the impression economy and to present the results of its practical testing. The object of the study is the course of influence of VUCA-world and BANI-world factors on the factors of the internal environment of domestic enterprises in the conditions of the experience economy. The subject of the study is to improve and further develop the theoretical, methodological and methodological support for the analysis of external environment factors according to the most common VUCA-world and BANI-world models and the factors of the internal environment of industrial enterprises in the context of the experience economy. The research methods used were analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization, structural and logical analysis, systematic approach, multidimensional factor analysis, neural networks, and the method of additive convolution. The main results of the study are the developed methodology for determining the impact of VUCA-world and BANI-world on the activities of enterprises in the context of the impression economy and its practical testing, which includes the following stages: analysis and substantiation of factors and indicators of the internal and external environment of enterprises using the method of multivariate factor analysis; modeling of functional relationships between indicators of the internal and external environment separately and in their direct and inverse relationship using the method of neural networks; definition. The conclusions of the study are as follows: proving the nonlinearity of the impact of VUCA-world and BANI-world on the activities of enterprises and vice versa through the built models of interconnection, which are nonlinear models of the multilevel perceptron; substantiation and rating of indicators of sensitivity of the internal and external environment of enterprises, selection of the top 3 from their composition; formation of proposals for managing the activities of enterprises in a complex nonlinear internal and external environment.ru_RU
dc.subjectinternal and external environmentru_RU
dc.subjectexperience economyru_RU
dc.subjectmultivariate factor analysisru_RU
dc.subjectneural networksru_RU
dc.subjectmultilevel perceptronru_RU
dc.titleDetermining the impact of Vuca-world and Bani-world on the activities of enterprises in the experience economyru_RU
dc.typeBook chapterru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Монографії (МБ)

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