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Название: Investigation of the dynamics of investment processes in Ukraine in the context of ensuring competence of organizations on the European market
Авторы: Gruzina I.
Pererva I.
Ключевые слова: investment climate
foreign investment
competent organization
organizational competence
European integration
Дата публикации: 2023
Библиографическое описание: Gruzina I. Investigation of the dynamics of investment processes in Ukraine in the context of ensuring competence of organizations on the European market / I. Gruzina, I. Pererva // European Dimensions of Sustainablе Development: Selected Papers of the V International Conference (Kyiv, June 1–2, 2023). - Kyiv: NUFT, 2023. - P. 47–56.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Publications devoted to substantiating the importance of the investment climate on the way to Ukraine’s accession to the European Union (EU) ignore its study from the standpoint of ensuring the competence of organizations on the European market. This directed the research to the analysis of indicators characterizing the state of the investment climate in Ukraine and the intensity of investment processes. The low level of direct foreign investments in Ukraine, the tendency to decrease income from investments, their small share in GDP (within 5%) was determined. This is evidence of Ukraine’s weak integration into the international investment market, doubtful prospects for achieving a level of organizational competence sufficient for successful operations. Disproportions in the sectoral distribution of investments, their gravitation towards industry, the share of which is 33.43% against 7% of twenty other industries, were revealed. The uneven character of the regional distribution of investments reflects their concentration in the five leading regions (50%) and their insufficiency in the rest of the others. A probable consequence is the deprivation of individual organizations from the opportunity to develop their own competence. The EU member states were identified as the main providers of investments in Ukraine (more than 60%), which indicates their interest in cooperation. However, the instability of trends restrains the renewal of production, the introduction of advanced technologies and scientific achievements, and the acquisition of competitive advantages by organizations. The peculiarity of the research is its focus on the study of indicators in the context of the impact on the creation of conditions for organizations to acquire competence in the European market. It is meant to expand the possibilities of technological renewal of production, the introduction of the latest scientific achievements, the involvement of world experience in the implementation of organizational activities. The results are useful for managers who, taking into account the development trends of investment processes, will have the opportunity to assess the probability of the organization achieving the necessary level of competence, outline the prospects for its successful integration into the European economic space.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33782
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (МБА)

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