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dc.contributor.authorAgadzhanova R. M.-
dc.identifier.citationAgadzhanova R. M. Some peculiarities of online teaching and learning / R. M. Agadzhanova // Proceedings of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Bilbao, Spain. - 2023. - P. 238-247.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the peculiarities of online teaching and learning. It considers some distinct aspects and characteristics of online learning. It also analyses certain qualities of a good online course. It is pointed out that teacher motivation is closely linked to student motivation, and teachers who are motivated to teach can trigger students’ motivation to learn. It is emphasized that universities should offer their staff continuous professional development to improve their performance and make sure they are ready for the challenges of online teaching.ru_RU
dc.subjectface-to-face learningru_RU
dc.subjectstudent motivationru_RU
dc.subjectteacher motivationru_RU
dc.subjectonline learningru_RU
dc.subjectonline teachingru_RU
dc.titleSome peculiarities of online teaching and learningru_RU
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