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dc.contributor.authorHontarenko I.-
dc.contributor.authorOsmachko S.-
dc.identifier.citationHontarenko I. Experience of using platform zoom while distance learning of the foreign language in the conditions of COVID­19 pandemic / I. Hontarenko, S. Osmachko // Eurasian scientific discussions. Proceedings of the 13th International scientific and practical conference. Barca Academy Publishing. Barcelona, Spain. 2023. - Pp. 224-230.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates the questions of the effective usage of platform Zoom in an educational process as the main part of distance learning. Transition to distance learning format of higher education institutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic set a number of difficult tasks for the teaching staff. Many teachers of educational institutions are faced with new distance learning formats that needed to be mastered as soon as possible. One of these formats are various online platforms. The use of “these platforms for distance learning is due to the global interest of universities and the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic infections, in connection with which there was a need to improve the quality of the educational process, expand opportunities of the educational environment and improve the efficiency of student learning”.ru_RU
dc.subjectInternet resourcesru_RU
dc.subjectfunctional possibilitiesru_RU
dc.subjectdistance learningru_RU
dc.titleExperience of using platform zoom while distance learning of the foreign language in the conditions of COVID­19 pandemicru_RU
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