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2020International Finance: syllabus of the academic discipline for students of specialty 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studios" of the first (bachelor) levelLebid O. V.
2020Export and Import Procedures: working program of the discipline for students of the specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the second (magister) levelLebid O. V.; Лебідь О. В.
2021Competition policy of international consulting company of technical design and engineeringLebid O. V.; Harkusha V. O.
2021International Finance : guidelines to practical tasks and individual work of Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studios"Lebid O. V.
2020Resources Supporting of Business Economy Security at the Micro and Macro LevelsDrobyazko S.; Bondiuk A.; Ovcharenko I.; Lebid O. V.; Mikish A.
2020Search for statistically approved criteria for identifying money laundering riskLebid O. V.; Veits O.
2022International Finance: syllabus of the academic discipline for students of specialty 292 "International Economic Relations” educational program “International Business” of the first (bachelor's) levelLebid O. V.
2022Methodology and organizing of scientific research: syllabus of the academic discipline for postgraduate students of specialty 011 “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” of the educational program “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” of the third (educational and science) levelLebid O. V.
2022Methodology and organizing of scientific research: syllabus of the academic discipline for postgraduate students of specialty 073 “Management” of the educational and science program “Management” of the third (educational and science) levelLebid O. V.