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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Сompetences Formation in the Process of Future Economists' TrainingOleksenko O. O.; Reshetniak I. O.
2016Збірник лексико-граматичних вправ з навчальної дисципліни "Іноземна мова" для студентів галузей знань 0305 "Економіка та підприємництво", 0306 "Менеджмент і адміністрування" денної форми навчанняДубцова О. В.; Петухова О. І.; Dubtsova O. V.; Petukhova O. I.
2019Features of company management by the example of Apple IncMalynovska A. Y.
2017Methodical aspects of creation of an information support system for the export potential development of a company in a competitive environmentIvaniienko K. V.; Ivaniienko V. V.
2021Theoretical background for pedagogical interaction within the framework of academic educationMarchuk A. A.; Urazova S.
2022Problems and prospects of application of strategies of personnel management of international companies in ukrainian business practicePtashchеnko O.; Chernobay L.; Malykhina S.; Verezomska I.; Yaremchuk S.
2021Conceptual Fundamentals of Organizational and Economic Mechanism Formation of Economic Sustainability Management of a Telecommunication EnterpriseBirbirenko S.; Yevtukhova S.; Chepeliuk M.; Kravchenko T.; Melnyk L.
2020Service Innovations Management Based On Emotional Intelligence In UkraineLysytsia N. M.; Martynenko M. V.; Byelikova Y. V.; Polyakova Y. O.
2022English for Professional Purposes (Organisation Management and Business Administration)Reshetniak I. O.
2023International management: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 " International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) levelGron O. V.