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Результаты 1 по 16 из 16
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021An integrated system of a workplace safety estimationProtasenko O. F.; Vovk T. O.
2023Discrete mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 121 “Software engineering” of the academic program “Software engineering”Misiura Ie.; Denysova T.
2021Econometrics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 051 “Economics” of the academic program “International Economics”Malyrets L. M.; Misiura Ie. Iu.
2022Higher mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 051 “Economics” of the academic program “International economics”Misiura Ie.; Lebedіev S.
2021Higher mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management” of the academic program “Business administration”Misiura Ie. Iu.
2022Higher mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management” of the academic program “Logistics”Misiura Ie.; Місюра Є. Ю.
2022Higher mathematics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management” of the academic program “Management of innovative activity”Misiura Ie.; Місюра Є. Ю.
2022Operation research and optimization methods : syllabus of the educational discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 075 “Marketing” of the academic program “Marketing”Malyarets L.; Misiura Ie.
2021Operations research and optimization methods : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 051 “Economics” of the academic program “International Economics”Malyrets L. M.; Misiura Ie. Iu.
2022Probability theory and mathematical statistics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management” of the academic program “Business administration”Misiura Ie.; Місюра Є. Ю.
2022Probability theory and mathematical statistics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 051 “Economics” of the academic program “International economics”Misiura Ie.
2022Probability theory and mathematical statistics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management” of the academic program “Logistics”Misiura Ie.
2022Probability theory and mathematical statistics : syllabus of the academic discipline for bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management” of the academic program “Management of innovative activity”Misiura Ie.
2019The path to success in EIT in mathematics: individual aspects and questionsZheleznyakova E. Y.; Silichova T. V.; Железнякова Э. Ю.; Силичева Т. В.; Железнякова Е. Ю.; Сілічова Т. В.
2013Методичний підхід до оцінки антикризової стійкості підприємстваКоюда В. О.; Костіна О. М.; Коюда В. А.; Костина О. Н.; Koiuda V. O.; Kostina O. M.
2014Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни "Університетська освіта" (Вступ до фаху) для студентів напряму підготовки 6.051501 "Видавничо-поліграфічна справа" всіх форм навчанняПушкар О. І.; Сібілєв К. С.; Пушкарь А. И.; Сибилев К. С.; Pushkar O. I.; Sibilyev K. S.