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Результаты 273 по 292 из 25313 < назад   дальше >
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Brand management: syllabus for students of all specialties the second (master’s) levelMartynenko M. V.; Мартиненко М. В.
2024Brand Strategy Managing of Mining EnterprisesMalyarets L.; Dorokhov O.; Stryzhak O.; Tymoshenko K.; Martynova O.; Dorokhova L.
2021Brand strength based on realistic and emotional features and strategy of managing itIastremska O.
2021Brand strength based on realistic and emotional features and strategy of managing itIastremska O.
2017Brexit і парадокси європейської інтеграції: виклики та нові можливості для УкраїниЛипов В. В.; Lypov V. V.
2020Brexit: для Великобританії, ЄС і України.Резнікова Т. О.; Астахова І. Е.
2016Building a balanced model of procurement processes in logistics activitiesMazorenko O. V.; Мазоренко О. В.; Ocheredko K. M.; Очередько К. М.
2018Building a System of Institutional Autonomy of a Higher Education Institution: Methodological BackgroundRayevnyeva O. V.
2016Building industry enterprises logistic system according to their life-cycle and organizational adaptationRoman T.; Voznenko N. I.; Роман Т.; Возненко Н. І.
2022Building of long-run Phillips curve in the transitive Ukrainian economyCherkashyna T. S.
2017Building of the system of HEI results of managerial activity assessing on the basis of the resource-activity approachSergienko O. A.; Chuyko I. M.; Bilan Y. A.; Сергієнко О. А.; Чуйко І. М.; Білан Ю. А.; Сергиенко Е. А.; Чуйко И. М.; Билан Ю. А.
2021Building the knowledge base capacity of an industrial enterpriseMalyarets L. M.; Fatyanov D. V.
2024Business - analysis in IT-projects: program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 "Software Engineering" of the study program "Software Engineering" of the first (bachelor) levelUshakova I. O.
2023Business communication in a foreign language: program of the course for students of higher education of all specialties of the first (bachelor) study cycleProsianyk S.
2019Business development essence concept and main strategiesVereshchahina H.; Pliekhanova T. Ye.
2023Business entrepreneurship: program of the course for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) levelKanova O.; Vasylyk S.; Lohinova K.
2023Business ethics : program of the course for students specialty 073 “Management”, study programme “Business Administration” of the first (bachelor’s) levelNemashkalo K.; Iastremska O.; Maistrenko O.