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Результаты 663 по 682 из 25313 < назад   дальше >
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Development of intercultural communication skills in foreign languages teachingKovalenko O. Y.
2017Development of knowledge economy in the countries of the worldParkhomenko N. O.
2022Development of Marketing of Educational Services Based on Application of Netiquette Principles in Distance LearningLysytsia N.; Byelikova Yu.
2022Development of Marketing of Educational Services Based on Application of Netiquette Principles in Distance LearningLysytsia N.; Byelikova Yu.
2022Development of Marketing of Educational Services Based on Application of Netiquette Principles in Distance LearningLysytsia N.; Byelikova Yu.
2018Development of mechanism for development of public financial audit of budget programs implementationDikan L. V.; Shevchenko I. O.; Дікань Л. В.; Шевченко І. О.; Дикань Л. В.; Шевченко И. А.
2020Development of methodological foundations for designing a classifier of threats to cyberphysical systemsShmatko O. V.; Balakireva S.; Vlasov A.; Zagorodna N.; Korol O. G.; Milov O. V.; Petrov O.; Pohasii S.; Rzayev Kh. N.; Khvostenko V.
2020Development of methodological principles for the construction of a corporate information-educational system of innovative-active university in the framework of anti-corruption activitiesYevseiev S. P.; Rayevnyeva O. V.; Ponomarenko V. S.; Milov O. V.
2018Development of methodological principles of support-preservation engineering workHrabovskyi Y. M.; Yevsyeyev О. S.; Грабовський Є. М.; Євсєєв О. С.; Грабовский Е. Н.; Евсеев А. С.
2018Development of methodological principles of support-preservation engineering workHrabovskyi Y. M.; Yevsyeyev О. S.; Грабовський Є. М.; Євсєєв О. С.; Грабовский Е. Н.; Евсеев А. С.
2019Development of methodology for modeling the interaction of antagonistic agents in cybersecurity systemsMilov O. V.; Voitko A.; Husarova I.; Domaskin O.; Ivanchenko Е.; Ivanchenko I.; Kots H. P.; Fraze-Frazenko O.
2020Development of Methods for Improving Crypto Transformations in the Block-Symmetric CodeKochan R.; Yevseiev S. P.; Korolyov R. V.; Milevskyi S. V.; Ireifidzh I.; Gancarczyk T.; Szklarczyk R.
2021Development of methods of creating the interface of the interactive editionHrabovskyi Y.; Yevsyeyev O.
2016Development of multi-factor authentication method based on modified crypto-code Systems Niederreiter – Mac-ElisЕвсеев C. П.; Коц Г. П.; Лекарев Е. В.; Євсеєв С. П.; Лєкарєв Є. В.; Yevseiev S. P.; Kots H. P.; Liekariev Y. V.
2019Development of niederreiter hybrid crypto-code structure on flawed codesYevseiev S. P.; Tsyhanenko O.; Gavrilova A. A.; Guzhva V.; Milov O. V.; Moskalenko V. V.; Opirskyy I.; Roma O.; Tomashevsky B.; Shmatko O. V.
2017Development of organizational knowledge system in the structure of vocational educationMartynenko M. V.; Menshykov O.; Мартиненко М. В.; Меньшиков О.; Мартыненко М. В.; Меньшиков А.
2017The development of personal qualities of future specialists in the field of economics (leadership, ability to make decisions, activity, initiative, independence) by means of a foreign languageGoncharova Z. N.
2021Development of professional competence of teachers in the system of continuing educationKravchenko H.; Averina K.; Hromova N.; Hornostaieva O.; Volosatykh O.; Shamayeva K.
2023Development of recurrent neural networks for price forecasting at cryptocurrency exchangesTyshchenko V.; Achkasova S.; Naidenko O.; Kanyhin S.; Karpova V.
2023Development of recurrent neural networks for price forecasting at cryptocurrency exchangesTyshchenko V.; Achkasova S.; Naidenko O.; Kanyhin S.; Karpova V.