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Результати 1-10 зі 22 (час пошуку: 0.021 секунди).
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2016Guidelines to independent training on the academic discipline "Basis of Scientific Research" for students of training directions 6.030601 "Management", 6.140103 "Tourism" of all forms of studyMyronova O. M.; Mazorenko O. V.; Миронова О. М.; Мазоренко О. В.; Миронова О. Н.
2019Strategic management: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of specialty 073 «Management» of the first (bachelor) levelMazorenko O. V.
2016Syllabus of the academic discipline "Public Administration" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Myronova O. M.; Mazorenko O. V.; Kanova O. A.; Миронова О. М.; Мазоренко О. В.; Канова О. А.; Миронова О. Н.; Мазоренко О. В.; Канова А. А.
2018Logistics: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of specialty 073 «Management» of the first (bachelor) levelMazorenko O. V.; Мазоренко О. В.
2018Conflictology: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of the first (bachelor) levelMazorenko O. V.; Мазоренко О. В.
2018Electronic marketing: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of the first (bachelor) levelMazorenko O. V.; Мазоренко О. В.
2015Guidelines for carrying out practical tasks on the academic discipline "Basis of Scientific Research" for students of training directions 6.030601 "Management", 6.140103 "Tourism" of all forms of studyМиронова О. М.; Мазоренко О. В.; Myronova O. M.; Mazorenko O. V.
2016Guidelines to self-study on the academic discipline "Basis of Scientific Research" for students of training directions 6.030601 "Management", 6.140103 "Tourism" of all forms of studyMyronova O. M.; Mazorenko O. V.; Миронова О. М.; Мазоренко О. В.; Миронова О. Н.; Мазоренко О. В.
2016Syllabus of the academic discipline "Management of Innovations" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Mazorenko O. V.; Sorokina A. S.; Мазоренко О. В.; Сорокіна А. С.; Мазоренко О. В.; Сорокина А. С.
2012Syllabus of the educational discipline "Logistics" for students of study direction 6.030601 "Management" for all forms of learningLepeyko T. I.; Mazorenko O. V.; Лепейко Т. І.; Мазоренко О. В.; Лепейко Т. И.