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dc.contributor.authorShtal T. V.-
dc.contributor.authorHurzhii N. G.-
dc.identifier.citationShtal T. Integrational interaction synergy effects in export distributional channels of enterprise / T. Shtal, N. Hurzhii // British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade. - 2016. - Vol. 12. - Issue. 2. - P. 1-10.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn modern conditions on international market, there are tends of strengthening the relations between manufacturers and members of distribution network, which allows enterprises to adapt more flexibly to the changing demand in the foreign market, to optimize transaction costs in the sales channels and to become more competitive. The main aim of the research is to investigate kinds of synergetic effects that arise during deepening the integrational interaction in export distributional channels of enterprise. Methodology: Game theory has been used as the main method of research which allowed to prove the emergence of self-organization effect during deepening the interaction between the distribution channel participants in international markets. Results: The system of indicators which represent the synergistic effect of deepening integration into export channels in conditions of variable and dynamic environment, and the fuzziness of information that directly affects the process of integration, was substantiated. Taking into account the determinate types of synergy effects that arise in integrated export channel, namely the operating, financial, optimization and self-organizational synergies, such indicators include: total transaction costs per sold unit reducing; sales increasing; profitability of export operations rising; rate of receivables turnover reducing; logistics costs reducing; current assets increasing as a result of pricing mechanism within the channel, that takes into account the value of receivables; entropy reduction. The investigation of synergistic managerial effect showed the appearance of export system’s self-organizational effect due to deepening the integrational interactions, and thus the reducing of entropy level with the appearance of these trends in structural transformations, that result in increasing its adaptability to the environment, more predictive management solutions, sustainability of functioning and development of competitive competence in international market. Conclusion: The obtained research results allow to catch out the indicators of synergetic effects due to deepening the integrational interactions in export channels. The strong correlation between the stage of integration and the level of entropy in international sales system was proved.en_US
dc.subjectdistributional channelsen_US
dc.subjectsynergetic effecten_US
dc.titleIntegrational interaction synergy effects in export distributional channels of enterpriseen_US
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (МЕМ)

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