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Название: Про боротьбу за культуру української мови на шпальтах «Літературної газети» наприкінці 50-х рр. ХХ ст.
Другие названия: О борьбе за культуру украинского языка на страницах «Литературной газеты» в конце 50-х гг. ХХ в.
About the struggle for a standardization of the Ukrainian language on the pages of "Literary Newspaper" in the end of the 1950-s
Авторы: Карікова Н. М.
Карикова Н. М.
Karikova N. M.
Ключевые слова: «Літературна газета»
культура мови
Б. Антоненко-Давидович
М. Рильський
українська літературна мова
«Литературная газета»
культура речи
Б. Антоненко-Давидович
М. Рыльский
украинский литературный язык
"Literary Newspaper"
standardization of language
Boris Antonenko-Davidovich
Maksym Rylsky
the Ukrainian literary language
Дата публикации: 2017
Издательство: Ліра
Библиографическое описание: Карікова Н. М. Про боротьбу за культуру української мови на шпальтах «Літературної газети» наприкінці 50-х рр. ХХ ст. / Н. М. Карікова // Український смисл : наук. зб. / за ред. І. С. Попової. – Дніпро : Ліра, 2017. – С. 36–44.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Проаналізовано статті й листи, опубліковані в «Літературній газеті», що в 1958-1959 рр. стала громадською трибуною, з якої патріотично налаштовані українці, насамперед знані та авторитетні письменники (Б. Антоненко-Давидович, М. Рильський та ін.), могли відкрито висловлювати думки про критичний стан тогочасної української літературної мови.
Проанализированы статьи и письма, опубликованные в «Литературной газете», которая в 1958-1959 гг. стала общественной трибуной, с которой патриотически настроенные украинцы, прежде всего известные и авторитетные писатели (Б. Антоненко-Давидович, М. Рыльский и др.), могли открыто выражать свои мысли относительно критического состояния украинского литературного языка того времени.
The articles and letters, which were published in "Literary Newspaper" in 1958-1959 years, are analyzed in this work. This newspaper became a public tribune from which patriotic Ukrainian primarily known and respected writers (Boris Antonenko-Davidovich, Maksym Rylsky, etc.), could openly express opinions about the critical condition of contemporary Ukrainian language. Today the problems, which are related to the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian nation, including the language, became acutely political and social issues, as appears extremely important need for a detailed study the history of the Ukrainian language. This important period, in our opinion, is the end of the 1950-s. last century, that preceded the times of "cultural renaissance" in Ukraine. The central aim of this work is to analyze newspaper articles and letters of periodical for two years (1958-1959), of which are known and authoritative Ukrainian writers (B. Antonenko-Davidovich, M. Rylsky, etc.) and the readers of newspaper expressed their views on the critical state of Ukrainian word. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the struggle for a standardization of the Ukrainian language, free of domination in the Ukrainian lands of native words. This struggle, that was carried from the pages of "Literary Newspaper" in the end of the 1950-s. last century, was an honest, open, very necessary and important for the preservation and further development of the Ukrainian language. The articles and letters, which were published in "Literary Newspaper" in 1958-1959 years, are analyzed in this work. This newspaper became a public tribune from which patriotic Ukrainian primarily known and respected writers (Boris Antonenko-Davidovich, Maksym Rylsky, etc.), could openly express opinions about the critical condition of contemporary Ukrainian language. Today the problems, which are related to the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian nation, including the language, became acutely political and social issues, as appears extremely important need for a detailed study the history of the Ukrainian language. This important period, in our opinion, is the end of the 1950-s. last century, that preceded the times of "cultural renaissance" in Ukraine. The central aim of this work is to analyze newspaper articles and letters of periodical for two years (1958-1959), of which are known and authoritative Ukrainian writers (B. Antonenko-Davidovich, M. Rylsky, etc.) and the readers of newspaper expressed their views on the critical state of Ukrainian word. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the struggle for a standardization of the Ukrainian language, free of domination in the Ukrainian lands of native words. This struggle, that was carried from the pages of "Literary Newspaper" in the end of the 1950-s. last century, was an honest, open, very necessary and important for the preservation and further development of the Ukrainian language.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://www.repository.hneu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/16285
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (УФІ)

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