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Результаты 1061-1070 из 1100.
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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Наскрізна програма практики для студентів спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент» освітньої програми «Міжнародний менеджмент» першого (бакалаврського) рівняПроскурніна Н. В.; Чернуха Т. С.
2023Міжнародний бізнес-аналіз: робоча програма навчальної дисципліни для здобувачів вищої освіти спеціальності 051 «Економіка» освітньої програми «Міжнародна економіка» другого (магістерського) рівняГоробинська М. В.; Кіпа М. О.
2023Methods and models of forecasting processes in foreign economic activity: the working program of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelRayevneva O. V.; Brovko O. I.
2023International business analysis: the work program of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelKot O. V.
2023Management of international competitiveness of enterprise: work program of the educational discipline for students of higher education, speciality 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelKot O. V.
2023Due Diligence: the work program of the educational disciplines for students of higher education specialty 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelKipa M. O.; Dobryn S. V.
2023International business strategies of the enterprise: work program of the educational discipline for students of higher education, speciality 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelShtal T. V.; Maliukina A. O.
2023Digital economy and technological trends: the working program of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelProskurnina N. V.
2023Global economy: the work program of the academic discipline for students of higher education of speciality 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelKozub V. O.
2023Digital marketing tools: EU experience: the work program of the educational discipline for students of higher education, specialty 051 "Economy" of the educational program "International Economics" of the second (master's) levelProskurnina N. V.