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Название: Detection of financial risks at the macro-, mezo- and microlevel of economy
Авторы: Zhuravlyova I.
Berest M. M.
Poltinina O. P.
Lelyuk S. V.
Ключевые слова: financial risk
behavioral risk
risk detection
financial security
risk of intellectual capital loss
Дата публикации: 2017
Библиографическое описание: Zhuravlyova I. Detection of financial risks at the macro-, mezo- and microlevel of economy / I. Zhuravlyova, M. Berest, O. Poltinina, S. Lelyuk // Economic Annals-XXI. – 2017. – №165 (5-6). – P. 31-35. – Access mode: http://soskin.info/userfiles/file/Economic-Annals-pdf/DOI/ea-V165-07.pdf/.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The basic of this research is organization of enterprises finance security monitoring. This paper is summarized current research on financial security with the focus on its monitoring, is devoted to estimation of finance security components, factors of financial and behavioral risks at the microeconomic levels and the way such risks can be monitored and assessed. Purpose of this paper is to develop methodology, analytical tools to implement finance security monitoring on the basis of an integrated system of indicators of financial and behavioral risks at microeconomic levels. Results. The stages of financial security monitoring of business entities are proposed. It is expedient to determine finance security components by using statistical data. It has been determined that integral indicator should be compared with other crucial indicators at the microlevel. Taxonomic analysis was used to evaluate the complex index of financial security by all the components, integral index of enterprises financial security. The complex index of the risk of losing intellectual capital for enterprises was images by using the graphical method. A deviation from the maximum value of the complex indicator is examined as a tool to evaluate the probability of financial risks. Risks at the microlevel, which generate significant threats to the financial security of enterprises, are grouped as follows: financial risks and behavioral risks, risk of losing intellectual capital, which have a negative impact on the financial condition of business entities. We stress the need for effective financial security management on the basis of monitoring for performance and development of business entities.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23402
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ФК)

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