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dc.contributor.authorAkhmedova O.-
dc.contributor.authorLukashev S.-
dc.contributor.authorZilinska A.-
dc.identifier.citationAkhmedova O. Use of the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public governance / O. Akhmedova, S. Lukashev, A. Zilinska // Інвестиції: практика та досвід. – 2021. – № 20. – С. 116-120.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article identifies the paradigms of modern public administration in the framework of reforming and innovative transformations of the public administration system. The task of the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration is specified. The essence of the concept of "public administration" is revealed, the comparative-decomposition analysis of the definition of the concept of "mechanism of public administration" is carried out. The quality of public administration in the field of creating innovative mechanisms of interaction between political, governmental structures, local governments, business and civil society organizations has been studied. The concept of "mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration" is considered and it is offered to understand such complex system of administrative influence on civil society which provides realization of innovations in public management on the basis of use of achievements of cultural and educational space. The focus is on identifying barriers to cooperation within the strategy and the factors that influence their emergence. The opinion is substantiated that the organization of cooperation processes will stimulate the creation of innovative solutions.ru_RU
dc.subjectinnovative transformationsru_RU
dc.subjectpublic administrationru_RU
dc.subjectcultural and educational supportru_RU
dc.subjectjoint innovationsru_RU
dc.titleUse of the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public governanceru_RU
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