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dc.contributor.authorSmetankina N. V.-
dc.contributor.authorMisura S. Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorMisiura Ie. Iu.-
dc.identifier.citationSmetankina N. V. Mathematical and computer simulation of the response of aircraft composite elements to impact loading / N. V. Smetankina, S. Yu. Misura, Ie. Iu. Misiura // XХХ international scientific-practical conference MicroCAD-2022. – Kharkiv, October 19 – 21. – 2022. – P. 328.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe present work suggests an analytical approach to investigating vibrations of laminated orthotropic elements of aircraft structures under impact by hail. The aircraft elements as non-closed cylindrical shells with a complicated form in the plan view are considered. Impact loading of a shell is carried out by an indenter, which is dropped on the shell from a certain height. The dynamic behaviour of the shells is described by the first-order theory accounting for transverse shear strain, thickness reduction and normal element rotation inertia in each layer. The method potentialities are demonstrated by calculating stresses in three-layer and five-layer orthotropic shells with different boundary conditions. A good match of results obtained by different methods confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of the method offered.ru_RU
dc.subjectaircraft composite elementsru_RU
dc.subjectmethod potentialitiesru_RU
dc.titleMathematical and computer simulation of the response of aircraft composite elements to impact loadingru_RU
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