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dc.contributor.authorMyronova O.-
dc.contributor.authorBarkova K.-
dc.contributor.authorMelnyk A.-
dc.identifier.citationManagement: program of the course for students of specialty 073 “Management” of the study programme “Business Administration” of the first (bachelor’s) level: [Electronic edition] / comp. O. Myronova, K. Barkova, A. Melnyk. – Kharkiv: S. Kuznets KHNUE, 2023. – 13 p. (Eng. lang.)ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe list of topics and key questions that will be considered during the study of the course, the list of competencies and learning outcomes by the course, the assessment system, the example of an exam card and assessment criteria, as well as recommended literature, are given. Recommended for students of specialty 073 “Management” of the educational program “Business Administration” of the first (bachelor’s) level.ru_RU
dc.subjectplanning controlru_RU
dc.subjectexternal environmentru_RU
dc.subjectinternal environmentru_RU
dc.titleManagement: program of the course for students of specialty 073 “Management” of the study programme “Business Administration” of the first (bachelor’s) levelru_RU
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