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Title: Table data processing and analysis: work program for students of all specialties of first (bachelor) level
Authors: Gorokhovatskyi O. V.
Peredrii O. O.
Keywords: tabular (table) data
MS Excel
conditional formatting
search functions
"cloud" services
data filtering
data sorting
automatic filter
advanced filter
data grouping
data consolidation
pivot tables
regression analysis
form controls
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Table data processing and analysis: work program for students of all specialties of first (bachelor) level / authors О.V. Gorokhovatskyi, О.О. Peredrii. – Kharkiv: KhNEU named after S. Kuznets, 2023. – 8 p.
Abstract: The program of the educational discipline and its content by modules and topics is presented. Plans of lectures and laboratory sessions, materials for consolidating knowledge (independent work, control questions), methods of activating the learning process, criteria for evaluating students' knowledge, professional competencies that a student of higher education of the first (bachelor's) level must possess after studying the discipline are included. Recommended for students of higher education of the first (bachelor) level of all specialties.
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