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Название: The impact of sensitivity of economic activities on the economic behaviour of enterprise
Авторы: Rayevnyeva O.
Filip S.
Aksonova I.
Brovko O.
Rui Su
Ключевые слова: type of economic activity
the trajectory of the company’s development
gross value added
indicator of sensitivity
cluster method
strategy and tactic of market behavior
Дата публикации: 2022
Издательство: ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця
Библиографическое описание: Rayevnyeva O. The impact of sensitivity of economic activities on the economic behaviour of enterprise / O. Rayevnyeva, S. Filip, I. Aksonova [etc.] // Економіка розвитку. – № 3 (Т.21). – С. 27-39.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): At the present stage of development of the world economy which is characterized by a high level of instability and chaotic economic processes, the urgent task of enterprise management is to study their market behavior, taking into account existing and hidden links with internal processes and external influences. Since all types of economic activity react differently to the instability of the external environment, it is important to analyze the operating conditions and performance of enterprises in these types of activities. The purpose of the article is to form general recommendations for the development of strategies and tactics for the behavior of enterprises of various types of economic activity on the market, depending on their sensitivity to the influence of external factors. Scientific research methods used in our work are as follows: comparative and content analysis, graphical, structural-dynamic methods, coefficient and cluster analyses. The article proposes an algorithmic model for the formation of the economic behavior of an enterprise, depending on the level of sensitivity of the type of activity. Trends in the development of types of activities are analyzed and an indicator of the sensitivity of types of economic activity to environmental influences is proposed. Clustering was carried out according to the proposed indicator and 3 clusters were identified according to the level of types of economic activity sensitivity to market fluctuations. The portrait of enterprises was formed depending on their expectations and their comparison with actually achieved indicators. The implementation of the proposed model and the developed recommendations will be of interest to company leaders for the formation of a market behavior strategy.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33142
Располагается в коллекциях:№ 3

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