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dc.contributor.authorLepeyko T.-
dc.contributor.authorYa. Jamal-
dc.identifier.citationLepeyko T. A modern approach to the leadership dimension / T. Lepeyko, Ya. Jamal // Економіка розвитку. – №3 (79). – С. 41-48.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractA summary of modern views on the leadership at the enterprise has been presented. The following different dimensions of leadership have been discussed: the style of leaders, the leadership domains of action, the connection between the leadership and the management and main classical and modern leadership theories. Based on the analysis of monographs, the main ideas of the leadership definition, leadership characteristic have been summarized and comparison of leadership and management core concepts has been presented. The contingency theory of leadership and the participative leadership model have been analyzed and grounded based on the main types of leader (formal and informal) and leadership taxonomy. Leadership styles have also been reviewed and analyzed. Special attention has been focussed on how leadership is connected with the demographic aspects, such as age, gender, hierarchical level. The main leadership theories have been analyzed including: the trait theory, the behavior theories (X and Y, Blake and Mouton's leadership grid, Fiedler's contingency theory, Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, House's path-goal model, participative behavior leadership, Vroom and Yetton model) and a group of new leadership theories. A conclusion has been drawn that transformational leadership is positively correlated with subordinates' job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, better performance and higher productivity and its impact on other factors such as trust in leaders or organizational commitment has been determined. There is no single leadership style or behavior that can be effective in every situation, therefore the concept of multidimensional leadership should be implemented.ru_RU
dc.publisherХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнецяru_RU
dc.subjectstyle of leadersru_RU
dc.subjectleadership domainsru_RU
dc.titleA modern approach to the leadership dimensionru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:№3

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