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2018International Organizations and International Activity : syllabus for Bachelor's (first) degree students of specialities 291 "International Relations, Public Communication and Regional Studios", 292 "International Economic Relations"Otenko I. P.; Parkhomenko N. O.; Savenko K.
2023World economy, trends and regularities of its development: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.
2023Competition in international markets: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.
2023Intellectualization of world economic development and international scientific and technological exchange: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.
2023International security: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.
2023World history: the working program of the educational course for students of higher education of speciality 292 " International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) levelPastushenko A. O.; Otenko I. P.
2023Program of the practice: scientific-research practice for higher education students of specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) levelOtenko I. P.
2023Program of teaching practice: the program for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.; Parkhomenko N. O.