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2020Global Economy: syllabus of the academic discipline for the students specialty 292 «International Economic Relations» second (master’s degree)Lytvynenko A. O.
2023Methodology of international marketing, modern tools: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelGron O. V.
2023World economy, trends and regularities of its development: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.
2023Competition in international markets: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations" of the study programme "International Economic Relations " of the third (educational and scientific) levelOtenko I. P.
2023International Finance. Guidelines to practical tasks and independent work of Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations", educational program "International Business"Lebid O.; Lytvynenko A.
2022International marketing: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of specialty 292 "International economic relations" of the educational program "International business" of the first (bachelor's) levelGron O. V.
2023Economic diplomacy: the program of the course of the educational discipline for students of higher education of speciality 292 " International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) levelGron O. V.
2023Analysis of international markets: work program of the discipline for applicants for higher education specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) levelMurenets I. H.