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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019International Marketing B2C: a work program for students of all the specialties of the second (master) levelLysytsia N. M.; Лисиця Н. М.; Лисица Н. М.
2019Conducting Business negotiations: a work program for students of all the specialties of the first (bachelor) levelLysytsia N. M.; Лисиця Н. М.; Лисица Н. М.
2018Особливості брендингу як інструменту стратегування соціально-економічного розвитку територійЛисиця Н. М.; Бєлікова Н. В.; Мартиненко М. В.; Лисица Н. М.; Беликова Н. В.; Мартыненко М. В.; Lysytsia N. M.; Bielikova N. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2018International Marketing of Economic Educational Services in Ukraine and PolandPukala R.; Lysytsia N. M.; Prytychenko T. I.; Gron O. V.; Пукала Р.; Лисиця Н. М.; Притиченко Т. І.; Гронь О. В.; Лисица Н. М.; Притыченко Т. И.; Гронь А. В.
2021Conducting Business Negotiations: work syllabus of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the first bachelor educational levelLysytsia N. M.
2021Marketing and education: directions of distance learning developmentLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.; Prytychenko T. I.
2023Conducting business negotiations in marketing: work syllabus of the academic discipline for applicants of higher education in specialty 075 “Marketing” of the educational program “Marketing” of the second ((master's) levelLysytsia N. M.
2024Conducting business negotiations: work syllabus of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor) levelLysytsia N. M.
2022Marketing: work program of the educational discipline for students of specialty 073 "Management" of the educational program " Business administration " of the first (bachelor's) levelLysytsia N. M.
2023Marketing: program of the course for applicants of higher education in specialty 073 “Management” of the study programme “Logistics” of the first (bachelor) levelGrynevych L. V.; Lysytsia N. M.; Boiko N. O.