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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Building of the system of HEI results of managerial activity assessing on the basis of the resource-activity approachSergienko O. A.; Chuyko I. M.; Bilan Y. A.; Сергієнко О. А.; Чуйко І. М.; Білан Ю. А.; Сергиенко Е. А.; Чуйко И. М.; Билан Ю. А.
2021Current issues regarding the mandatory audit under conditions of quarantine restrictionsShevchenko I. O.
2017English for Business AnalystsBorova T. A.; Milov O. V.
2023Enhancing the effectiveness of usability testing for user interfacesSkorin Y.; Zolotаryovа I.
2020Essence of Measurers of Enterprise Activities EfficiencyMalyarets L. M.; Sigaieva T. E.
2019Forming metrics of indicators for the assessment of social marketing system of enterprises on the international marketAndrosova T. V.; Kot O. V.; Kozub V. O.; Chernуshova L. O.
2016GAP-and-IMECA-based approach to assessment of complex I&C systems cyber securityKovalenko А. А.; Rudenko O. G.; Коваленко А. А.; Руденко О. Г.
2016GAP-and-IMECA-based approach to assessment of complex I&C systems cyber securityKovalenko А. А.; Rudenko O. G.; Коваленко А. А.; Руденко О. Г.
2022Generalization of scientific views on the interpretation of the essence and content of the concept “organization”Gruzina I. A.; Pererva I. M.
2014Guidelines to interdisciplinary training "Organization and Modelling of Innovative Activity" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Tonieva K. V.; Sigaieva T. E.; Тонєва К. В.; Сігаєва Т. Є.; Тонева К. В.; Сигаева Т. Е.
2014Guidelines to laboratory works in the academic discipline "Operations Research" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Tonieva K. V.; Тонєва К. В.; Тонева К. В.
2016Guidelines to practical studies on the academic discipline "Operations Management" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Sigaieva T. E.; Сігаєва Т. Є.; Сигаева Т. Е.
2014Guidelines to self-study work on the academic discipline "Operations Research" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Tonieva K. V.; Тонєва К. В.; Тонева К. В.
2014Guidelines to self-study work on the academic discipline "Operations Research" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Tonieva K. V.; Тонєва К. В.; Тонева К. В.
2021Information technologies : work program for students of the first (bachelor's) level the specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" educational program "International Business"Udovenko S. G.; Tiutiunyk O. O.
2023International logistics: program of the course for students of higher education of specialty 073 "Management" of the study programme "Logistics" of the first (bachelor's) levelMelnikova K. V.; Sigaieva T. E.
2018Management of Organizations : syllabus for Master's (second) degree students of speciality 073 "Management"Lepeyko T. I.; Myronova O. M.; Matsikanych I. M.; Лепейко Т. І.; Миронова О. М.; Маціканич І. М.; Лепейко Т. И.; Миронова О. Н.; Мациканыч И. Н.
2019Marketing innovations: syllabus for students of all specialties of the second (master's) levelSigaieva T. E.; Сігаєва Т. Є.; Сигаева Т. Е.
2017Model of Banking Activity Government Regulation SystemMaksimova M. V.
2020Modern approaches to enterprise logistics managementSigaieva T. E.