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Title: Research on the influence of college culture construction on college students' career development
Authors: Jin Lang
Kravchenko H. Y.
Keywords: career development
cultural construction
College Students
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ФОП Панов А. М.
Citation: Jin Lang Research on the influence of college culture construction on college students' career development / Jin Lang, H. Kravchenko // Сучасні проблеми управління підприємствами: теорія та практика : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 3-4 бер. 2020 р., м. Харків – м. Торунь. – Харків : ФОП Панов А. М., 2020. – С. 263
Abstract: As the main position of cultivating talents, colleges and universities need to use culture to shape and guide people. The development history of a college is not only the process of condensing the idea of running a school, forming the tradition of running a school, but also the process of accumulating the culture. The cultural construction of colleges and universities not only includes the inheritance of traditional cultural resources, but also the integration of real cultural resources. The outstanding cultural achievements and significant cultural activities have a positive impact on the ideological concepts of college students. It guides college students to set up scientific ideals and beliefs, strengthen their patriotism, enhance their ideological and moral cultivation, and cultivate their own concept of all-round development. The employment of students is one of the key tasks of colleges and universities. At present, the employment situation is becoming increasingly severe. It is the duty of colleges and universities to comprehensively improve the quality of personnel training, broaden the employment scope through multiple channels, and carry out in-depth career planning and employment guidance for students. From the perspective of college culture construction, this paper analyzes the influence of college culture construction on College Students' future career development, including improving college students' career planning ability, cultivating college students' professional spirit, regulating college students' professional behavior, and Shaping College Students' healthy psychological environment.
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