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Title: Problems and ways of improvement of small business role in the economy of Ukraine under the conditions of integration and globalization
Authors: Абраімова А. М.
Шалаєва А. М.
Keywords: small business
small enterprise
entrepreneurial activity
economy of Ukraine
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: БИП
Citation: Абраімова А. М. Problems and ways of improvement of small business role in the economy of Ukraine under the conditions of integration and globalization [Электронный ресурс] / А. М. Абраімова, А. М. Шалаєва // Региональные аспекты развития малого предпринимательства: проблемы и пути развития : сб. науч. статей I междунар. конкурса науч. студенческих статей, 1 марта 2020 г. – Минск : БИП, 2020. – C. 3-5. - 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD -R).
Abstract: In the result of scientific sources deep analysis of the small business in Ukraine were determined the place and role of the small business and its current state in the economy of the country. The structure of the small business complex was considered and the effective methods of improving this situation were determined in the current economic conditions of the country. The distribution of small business by the type of their economic activity was determined through the statistical analysis. The main factors which negatively affect and cease the development of small enterprises were outlined. The appropriate effective governmental and non-governmental ways of small business improvement were suggested. The factors that limit the opportunities for small business development in the international market were pointed out. The development potential of small enterprises was assessed and the order of improvement of the business climate of Ukraine was determined. The factors of attractiveness for investing in the Ukrainian small business sector were investigated and the ways to improve its condition were suggested.
Appears in Collections:Статті студентів (МЕМ)

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