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Title: Organizational support for the development of united territorial communities
Authors: Gavkalova N. L.
Zilinska A.
Polatay V.
Liashevska V.
Keywords: organizational support
local self-government
united territorial community
capacity of the united territorial community
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Gavkalova N. Organizational support for the development of united territorial communities / N. Gavkalova, A. Zilinska, V. Polatay et al. // Public Policy and Administration. - 2020. - Vol 20. - No 4.
Abstract: The main purpose of the study was to develop organizational support for the development of united territorial communities. The theoretical part of the study analyzes the role of the territorial community in the formation of the system of local self-government in order to identify factors for successful community development. The empirical part of the study identifies a number of specific principles for the development of territorial communities. The scheme of organizational support of development of united territorial communities is offered and advantages concerning its use are given. It should be borne in mind that the scientific objective basis for the organizational support of the mechanism of development of territorial communities should be a set of economic laws, without the proper use and consideration of which it can not perform its functions. To implement this mechanism it is necessary to use the basic principles. The ways of forming the capacity of the united territorial community and their transition to economic self-development are given. Forms, methods and mechanisms of cooperation of the united territorial community and local self-government bodies are offered.
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