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Title: Globalization and its influence on foreign economic activity of Ukraine
Authors: Ostroverkh M. A.
Keywords: foreign economic activity
country's competitive advantages
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Ostroverkh M. A. Globalization and its influence on foreign economic activity of Ukraine / M. A. Ostroverkh // Проблеми розвитку економіки підприємства: погляд молоді: матеріали ХІV міжнар. наук. конф. здобувачів вищої, 12 бер. 2021 р. ‒ Харків: ХНАДУ, 2021. ‒С. 177-178.
Abstract: The main characteristic features of globalization and its influence on foreign economic activity of Ukraine are studied in the scientific work. The main mechanisms for increasing the country's competitive advantages have been identified.
Appears in Collections:Статті студентів (МЕМ)

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