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Title: Digitalization of the economy in the global economic space
Authors: Mashchenko M. A.
Keywords: modern economic
socio-economic strategies
information technologies
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Mashchenko M. A. Digitalization of the economy in the global economic space / M. A. Mashchenko // Менеджмент ХХІ століття: глобалізаційні виклики : матер. VІ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Полтава, 19 трав. 2022 р.: тези допов. – Полтава : ПДАУ, 2022. – С. 24-25.
Abstract: The modern economic system is changing under the influence of technological, economic and social changes. We are talking about the formation of new socio-economic strategies. There is a change in the technological paradigm, management model and social norms. The main trend of the development of economics is information technologies getting inside the field of life. The sphere of economics, in the basis of which are information and communication technologies, are called digital economy. Digitalization of economics at the modern stage is an important factor in the development of productivity in the life of life.
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