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Title: Leadership types: cross-cultural aspects
Authors: Blyznyuk T.
Keywords: leadership
leadership type
power distance
individualism versus collectivism
masculinity versus femininity
uncertainty avoidance
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Blyznyuk T. Leadership types: cross-cultural aspects / T. Blyznyuk // Приазовський економічний вісник. – 2022. – № 1 (30). – С. 40-43.
Abstract: This study identifies the influence of national culture on national leadership style based on such cultural factors as: power distance as a cultural factor that characterizes the attitude to leadership in national culture, determining the degree of leaders' encouragement to use their power; individualism versus collectivism as a cultural factor characterizes social orientation as an idea of the relative importance of the individual's interests in relation to the interests of the group to which he belongs, and which indicates the involvement of workers in individual or collective action; masculinity versus femininity as a cultural factor that characterizes the goal orientation, revealing the ways to motivate people to perform a particular job to achieve certain goals; uncertainty avoidance as a cultural factor characterizing the level of uncertainty, social instability, ambiguity, which is normal and in which members of the society feel comfortable.
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