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Назва: Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Attracting Investment Resources in the Innovative Development of Regions in Teams of Sustainable Development
Автори: Krasnonosova O.
Perepeliukova O.
Papp V.
Doronina M.
Romaniuk M.
Теми: organizational-economic mechanism
investment resources
innovative development
investment attractiveness of regions
capital investments
sustainable development
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Krasnonosova O. Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Attracting Investment Resources in the Innovative Development of Regions in Teams of Sustainable Development / O. Krasnonosova, O. Perepeliukova, V. Papp et al. // International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. – 2022. – Vol. 22. – № 2. – P. 376-384.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article considers the features of the organizational-economic mechanism of attracting investment resources in the innovative development of regions in terms of sustainable development. Factors influencing the investment activity of regions in terms of sustainable development, including: institutional structure, intellectual capital, level of innovation infrastructure, business development, financial and credit component, level of human resources development, information environment, production development, environmental component. Factors influencing the attraction of investment resources in the regions are identified. The dynamics of changes in the volume of capital investments and foreign direct investment in Ukraine is analyzed. The regional features of the distribution of capital investments in the conditions of sustainable development are revealed. The essence of the main principles on the basis of which the organizational - economic mechanism of attraction of investment resources in innovative development of regions in the conditions of sustainable development should be formed is analyzed. A set of measures to regulate the investment processes of the regions has been identified. The mechanism of attraction of investment resources in innovative development of regions in the conditions of sustainable development is outlined. The results of activity of separate Agencies of regional development for 2020 in the direction of investment and innovation activity and increase of level of investment attractiveness of regions are analyzed. Important prerequisites for the effective implementation of the organizational-economic mechanism for attracting investment resources in the innovative development of regions in terms of sustainable development are identified. The main directions of directing the efforts of the organizational-economic mechanism to ensure the attraction of investment resources in the innovative development of regions in the context of increasing the level of investment activity in the regional aspect are substantiated.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27718
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