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Title: Digitalization as innovative approach for transport logistics at the enterprise
Authors: Klymenko A
Keywords: digitalization
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Klymenko A. Digitalization as innovative approach for transport logistics at the enterprise / A.Klymenko // Конкурентоспроможність та інновації: проблеми науки та практики : матеріали XVІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції, 25 листопада 2022 р. : тези допов. – Харків : ФОП Лібуркіна Л. М., 2022. – С. 310–313.
Abstract: Logistics processes occur in many areas of business. These are companies engaged in freight transportation, manufacturing enterprises, sales representatives, distributors. The introduction of new technologies has radically changed the approach to communication within the company, the approach to work with intermediaries and counterparties, and to work with clients. Digitalization involves the comprehensive implementation of tools that improve the company's work. This allows you to reduce costs, automate routine processes, structure and systematize data, receive reports in real time, and establish communication between the company, the contractor and the client.
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