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Title: Social networks as a tool for etrepreneurship in the conditions of the economy of impressions
Authors: Iastremska O.
Nebylytsia H.
Keywords: business
economy of impressions
social networks
target audience
online platform
video marketing
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Iastremska O. Social networks as a tool for etrepreneurship in the conditions of the economy of impressions / O. Iastremska, H. Nebylytsia // Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та технологій в промисловості. - 2023. - No. 1 (23). - Р. 155-164.
Abstract: In recent years, Internet and social networks have become a full-fledged platform for business and have significant functions of effective and accurate communication to the target audience of information about potential customers, the availability of necessary communication tools to work with customers, companies, sales of goods, services and more. This is especially important in the context of the development of the economy of impressions. The subject of the article is the analysis of the use of social networks in business activities in the conditions of the impression economy. Analysis of the scientific literature has shown that foreign and domestic scientists are constantly looking for ways to develop business in the online environment. However, scientific works on entrepreneurship in social networks are insufficiently substantiated and adapted to the conditions of functioning Ukrainian enterprises, so they need further development. The purpose of this article is to substantiate theoretically the peculiarities of entrepreneurial activity of Ukrainian business entities in social networks. The main tasks of the article are: analysis of statistical data on the use of social networks in business activities and justification of recommendations for the effectiveness of business activities in social networks. The following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis, monographic analysis, deductive and inductive method, graphic method. The following results were obtained. It is determined, it was concluded that among the existing platforms for business on the Internet, Facebook and Instagram – these are the two best platforms used by marketers. It was noted which social channels are used by experienced marketers to promote the company's products on social networks compared to those who are just starting out. Thus, "young" social network marketers for effective entrepreneurship focus mainly on Facebook and Instagram. At the same time, the most experienced marketers are very diversified in this process. The main criteria for using video content in business as the most effective tool for doing business on social networks are summarized. The main conclusions are as follows. An analysis of the use of video marketing in online business has shown that YouTube is the number one video channel. At the same time, TikTok is a new video platform, but has already actively regained its place in the market. Therefore, the main criteria for including videos in the TikTok recommendation have been summarized. The main opportunities of SMM in different business segments were also considered. The peculiarities of SMM use for large, medium, small businesses, Internet business and b2b-sphere were noted. The main advantages of entrepreneurship in social networks were summarized and highlighted. The results of the study can be the basis for further development of the practical use of social networks for the entrepreneurial activities of Ukrainian enterprises.
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