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Title: Organisational innovations as a component of the firm’s economic security system at the national and international levels
Authors: Iarmosh O.
Keywords: Economic Security
Organisational Innovation
Personnel Security System
Organisational Security System
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Iarmosh O. Organisational innovations as a component of the firm’s economic security system at the national and international levels / O. Iarmosh // Сучасні проблеми моделювання соціально-економічних систем : матеріали XIV міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 6-7 квітня 2023 р. – Мультимедійне наук. електрон. вид. Братислава – Харків, ВШЕМ – ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2023.
Abstract: The work covers the personnel and organisational subsystem of the firm’s economic security system, the essence and impact of the implementation of organisational innovations for the formation of an effective system. Special attention is paid to the use of digital technologies, which are an integral part of modern organisational innovations and the firm’s economic security system at the national and international levels.
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