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Название: Influence of National Culture on the Organizational Culture of Personnel: case of China and Ukraine
Авторы: Blyznyuk T.
Mazorenko O.
Miao Jianping
Ключевые слова: national culture
organizational culture
values of culture
6-D model
Дата публикации: 2024
Библиографическое описание: Blyznyuk T. Influence of National Culture on the Organizational Culture of Personnel: case of China and Ukraine / T. Blyznyuk, O. Mazorenko, Miao Jianping // Überwimmer, Margarethe; and Kwiatek, Piotr (2024), Proceedings Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2024. - P. 20-21.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Organizational culture is a complex social phenomenon formed within the organization under the influence of a number of factors. Due to its social nature, it has a strong influence on the individual but at the same time, the individual influences the formation and change of the organizational culture itself, that is, there is mutual influence and relationship between the organizational culture and the individual. An important aspect of organizational culture research is the relationship and interdependence of national and organizational culture of personnel. Thus, organizational culture, like national culture, is formed in the process of joint activity of people as carriers of this culture. However, the main difference between organizational culture and national culture is that the former is created spontaneously in the course of the development, life and activity of the country, while the latter is usually formed with the help of conscious construction with further management of its development. Results of the comprehensive assessment of the organizational culture of the personnel in Chinese organizations taking into account national content are proved that Chinese national culture significantly influences the organizational culture of the personnel of these organizations. This is primarily the courage and restraint of Chinese culture (higher position of conformity value among Chinese female respondents and higher value position of achievement among Chinese male respondents). Pragmatism (long-term orientation) of Chinese national culture also has a significant influence (higher position of the tradition value among Chinese female respondents). Results of the comprehensive assessment of the organizational culture of the personnel in Ukrainian organizations taking into account national content are proves that Ukrainian national culture significantly influences the organizational culture of the personnel of these organizations. These are primarily femininity of Ukrainian national culture (higher value position of universalism among Ukrainian female respondents) and pragmatism (long-term orientation) of Ukrainian national culture (higher value position of tradition among Ukrainian female respondents).
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33563
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