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Title: Іnternational migration processes in the context of globalization challenges
Authors: Velychko К.
Golykova Y.
Keywords: migration
international migration
migration trends
the impact of the pandemic on migration
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ХДУХТ
Citation: Velychko К. Іnternational migration processes in the context of globalization challenges / К. Velychko, Y. Golykova // Механізми забезпечення сталого розвитку економіки: проблеми, перспективи, міжнародний досвід : матеріали І міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 23 квіт. 2020 р. / редкол. : О. І. Черевко [та ін.] ; Харківський держ. ун-т харч. та торг. – Х. : ХДУХТ, 2020. – C. 194–197.
Abstract: Migration processes in the world are characterized by high dynamics. Moreover, the form of participation of countries in migration processes can differ significantly: some countries are only suppliers, while others are net consumers. The problem of external migration is very relevant for modern Ukraine. The greatest threat of migration at the present stage is the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Almost all migration processes stopped and countries closed their borders due to the threat of a pandemic. The authors focus on the fact that such phenomena as international migration processes, which are an essential part of international economic relations, will continue, but, obviously, with some significant changes and innovations in its flows, features and forms.
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