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Title: Socio-psychological characteristics of the entrepreneur's personality
Authors: Luhova V. M.
Martiyanova M. P.
Keywords: entrepreneur
social and psychological portrait of an entrepreneur
social and mental properties and abilities
professional self-awareness
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Luhova V. M. Socio-psychological characteristics of the entrepreneur's personality / V. M. Luhova, М. P. Martiyanova. // Економічний розвиток і спадщина Семена Кузнеця: матеріали V наук.-практ. конф., 26–27 лист. 2020 р. : тези допов. – Одеса: Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2020. – С. 328–329.
Abstract: The publication the theoretical analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics personality of the modern entrepreneur is devoted. Generalized socio-psychological portrait of an entrepreneur, which includes the most important qualities and characteristics inherent in the people of this profession developed. Social and mental properties and abilities that provide the ability to do business is considered in detail. It is proved that the study of social and psychological characteristics of the personality of the modern entrepreneur is necessary for predicting and managing the behavior of the entrepreneur, his professional formation and development.
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