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Title: Strategic Guidelines for the Improvement of Logistic Activities of Trade Enterprises
Authors: Shtal T. V.
Uvarova A. I.
Proskurnina N. V.
Savytska N. L.
Keywords: Trading Company
Organizational and Economic Support
Reference Model
SCOR Model
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Shtal T. V. Strategic Guidelines for the Improvement of Logistic Activities of Trade Enterprises / T. V. Shtal, A. I. Uvarova, N. V. Proskurnina et al. // Journal of Information Technology Management. – 2020. - 12(3). – Р. 69-81.
Abstract: Logistics has long been recognized as the main effective tool for generating competitive advantages in trading enterprises, and therefore there is an acute problem in finding strategic guidelines for improving logistics activities through the lens of organizational and economic support of logistic activity of a trading enterprise. The article compares the main reference models for the analysis of logistics activities and found the most appropriate for use - SCOR model, which identified the main indicators for evaluating the performance of logistics activities. An algorithm for determining the level of efficiency and performance of logistic activity have been constructed. According to the results of the study, the level of organizational and economic support, perormance and efficiency of logistic activity of trade enterprises of Ukraine of the sample population have been determined.
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