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Назва: Marketing and education: directions of distance learning development
Автори: Lysytsia N. M.
Byelikova Y. V.
Martynenko M. V.
Prytychenko T. I.
Теми: marketing
directions of DL development
online surveys
satisfaction of students with DL
Дата публікації: 2021
Бібліографічний опис: Lysytsia N. M. Marketing and education: directions of distance learning development / N. M. Lysytsia, Y. V. Byelikova, M. V. Martynenko at el // Economics of Development. ‒ 2021. ‒ Vol. 20. ‒ Issue 1.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions to urgently introduce distance learn- ing (DL), which has resulted in an unprecedented experiment in the sphere of higher education in Ukraine that requires scientific analysis. The aim of the work was to identify the possible potential directions of DL development in institutions of higher education as a result of marketing research of satisfaction, dissatisfaction of students with DL. The method of survey was used to gather the neces- sary information. The results of marketing research (an online survey of students) (Kharkiv, 2020, n = 316) allowed the authors to identify the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of students with DL. Students considered the most important factors of satisfaction with DL are: development of com- petencies, self-organization, discipline, self-motivation, responsibility, taking an active position as participants of the educational process, comfort. Students expect that teachers secure improvement of teacher-student communication process; flexibility of educational approaches; use of interactive tools and constant change of activities to maintain the attention, interest, concentration of students on teaching process. The latter will maximize students’ involvement in activities during training; im- provement of digital competencies. From educational institutions students expect: flexibility of the platforms of DL compared to full-time in-person education; creation of the “map” of the educational process in a distance mode. It is noted that the results of marketing research (the online survey) demonstrated the factors of sat- isfaction, dissatisfaction of students with DL. This information was considered as the arguments for identifying the possible potential directions of DL development in institutions of higher education.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26099
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